Free «Diversity of Faith Expressions» Essay Sample

Diversity of Faith Expressions

People from diverse backgrounds sometimes find themselves in situations when they need quality health care. Therefore, nurses are required to recognize the role of their own faith, values and morals when offering care to the patients. The in-depth investigation in the nurse profession shows the encouraging relationship between religiousness and the results of the treatment process and procedures offered in healthcare settings. As a result, spiritual beliefs and needs form a key aspect that must be understood while administering treatment care to the patients. Nurses are expected to make inquiry regarding the patient’s spiritual requirements (Cox, 2007). It is apparent that each religion upholds a certain healing philosophy characterized by critical elements such as spoken words and prayers among others. Medical practitioner’s failure to incorporate patient’s spiritual need in the healing process weakens the patient’s trust in the health care system and treatment process at large. The ultimate goal of the current paper is to show the contribution of the faith diversity in the health care profession in promoting patient’s spiritual needs. In the paper, reference will be made to Sikhism, Buddhism and Native American Religions in order to highlight the significance of spirituality in provision of quality health care. In addition, the Christian viewpoint on healing will be compared with the above listed religions and with a personal point of view.

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In the course of the service delivery, nurses interact with individuals from different religious backgrounds. Spirituality has a profound influence on the patient’s healing process. Hence, understanding patient’s religious background and history is of great importance for administration of healing procedures to the patients. Acceptance and embracing faith diversity are paramount to the health care provider in order to deliver high-quality services as per the health standards (Cox, 2007). According to the Native American religious beliefs, every aspect of life has great importance in religious matters. Native American religious principles hold that the reality in essence is instituted on the spiritual world. Ostensibly, the most relied upon and fundamental reality level lies on spiritual stage and matters of spirits, deities and mythic heroes. For Native Americans, health, just like any other aspect of great interest to the society, is put into a broader spectrum, usually more holy perspective (Cox, 2007). The compatibility that provides expression to the significance of health is distinguished. Moreover, any form of diseases becomes treatable and bearable when it is perceived as part of the spiritual process. Life becomes significant when the sufferings, joy, triumphs, defeats, degradations and elevations in it are perceived as part of the human story. Consequently, native Americans do not separate the health care provision process from their religion.

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An in-depth analysis through which nurses take part is founded on their knowledge regarding the health science and is incompatible with the important elements of self-reflection and synthesis. In addition, it is essential to the health, healing and cosmology of patients who practise Native American religions (Dwivedi, 2007). Moreover, spoken word is another essential component of the healing process in Native American religions. The words used in the healing process were sacred and believed to have significant impact on the process. In such beliefs compared to Christianity, some similarities are apparent in the sense that words are regarded as perfomative statements owed to a celestial power.

In Buddhism, the spiritual viewpoint on healing circles around practices and norms that are aimed at promoting the permanence of life. Belief that liberates the individual from the fear and offers spiritual peace forms critical elements in the healing process in Buddhism (Dwivedi, 2007). However, such beliefs are achieved through adherence to and through attainment of the awakening to the understanding of Buddha. Such beliefs and approaches are thought to enhance quick recovery process. Moreover, Buddhism supports a number of major health-based science operations. It does not pose a restriction to nutritional therapies, medications, vaccination or any other therapeutic medical interventions (Cox, 2010). In addition, Buddhism encourages performance of medical procedures such as amputation, biopsy or even organ transplantation. Such procedures have been found to enhance longevity, which is an essential aspect of Buddhism religious teaching. The healing process for the Buddhist patients is reinforced by the religious predisposition (Cox, 2010). It is also apparent that all available medical procedures that enhance patient’s recovery are acceptable in Buddhism. Health in Buddhism is achieved through striking a balance between opposing synergies regarded as Yin and Yang. Such forces entail evil/good, sickness/health as well as darkness/light among others. For instance, common cold is attributable to the imbalance between Yin and Yang energy. As a result, nurses are required to be aware that Buddhist patient’s main objective is to achieve a steadiness amongst the Yin and Yang energy (Cox, 2010). Hence, it forms a critical component of the healing process among the Buddhists.

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In Sikhism, there is a common belief in the existence of one Supreme Being known as God. It is believed that the human soul is considered innately good and people can relate with God through contemplation. Nonetheless, the human soul is normally restrained through human weaknesses and faults. In Sikhism, appreciation of knowledge and science forms the most important aspect of religion. In addition, Sikhism imposes no restriction on medications or any other medical procedures aimed at enhancing the quality of life. However, women are restricted from discussing health matter with a male medical practitioner. Nonetheless, nurse offering care to the patient is usually required to make informed decisions that are based on the spiritual principles upheld by Sikh patients (Draper, 2007). The most important element of Sikh’s healing process encompasses the preservation of the patient’s faith, alleviation of suffering, honesty, life sanctity, truthfulness and respect for the patient’s independence.