Free «Mistaken Beliefs» Essay Sample

Mistaken Beliefs

In the course of work, educators may come across different attitudes and beliefs that may appear valid and justified. However, a closer look at such attitudes reveals some common mistaken beliefs that teachers should be aware of and strive to prevent them from influencing academic process and classroom behavior management negatively. One mistaken belief is that teaching rules of behavior is a job that parents do, not teachers. In other words, such belief implies that teachers should focus on academic process and provide quality education without being distracted by teaching students rules of behavior. However, success in a classroom depends both on the effectiveness of instruction and teaching, on the one hand, and maintaining rules of appropriate conduct, on the other hand. The second mistaken belief is to assume that children already know what a teacher expects. However, it might not be true, and a teacher should make his/her expectations clear to all students prior to expecting them to adhere to expectations. The third mistaken belief is that a teacher cannot afford spending time for studying the instructions to develop behavioral issues. Nevertheless, despite the need to use time effectively, very often, a teacher might have to spend focused, appropriate time on resolving disrupting behavioral issues during classroom work. The fourth mistaken belief may be manifested when a teacher hopes that if he/she covers his/her rules thoroughly at the beginning of the school year, he/she should not need to do it again. However, practice demonstrates that reminding about rules, referring to them, and evaluating the effectiveness of rules throughout the year is an important element of classroom behavior management. The fifth mistake is thinking that simply explaining rules to children is enough. However, in my personal experience, explanations of rules can be performed more effectively by giving examples of following rules and consequences caused by the failure to follow them. Moreover, asking children whether they understand the explanation is important. The sixth mistaken belief is thinking that children will not perceive a teacher seriously unless he/she is strict. Regarding the statement, I would like to refer to my personal experience. I have noticed on numerous occasions that children react to love, care, and genuine concerns respectively. Although being strict may seem a solution to classroom management, being genuinely concerned and respectful in communication with students helps the latter perceive a teacher seriously. The seventh mistake is in believing that if children hear teacher's rules often enough, sooner or later they will receive the message. However, merely hearing about rules may not bring desired results. Moreover, children may become “numb” to the rule due to hearing it many times. On the contrary, constant repeating of the same information can make them simply ignore it. Another mistaken belief is that students often connect rules to teachers who make them. I did not find it to be true. On the contrary, my experience with children suggests that the majority of them understand that rules help them feel safe and secure in a school environment. Consequently, children demonstrate greater respect towards teachers who consistently uphold rules, ensuring safe and secure environment that facilitates academic process. One more mistaken belief is considering that students will cooperate only when they feel that a teacher cares. I believe that students will frequently cooperate when they are presented with engaging tasks or given an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and abilities. Finally, I would like to address a mistaken belief that male teachers make the best discipliners. My experience and observations suggest that not all male teachers are good discipliners and that female teachers may be excellent discipliners, as well. Lastly, I would like to add that I know a few female teachers who are excellent discipliners skilled at classroom management.